Who are we?
This site is made by the team organizing the Danish PhotoMarathon. In Dennmark a PhotoMarathon is called FotoMarathon.
The first PhotoMarathon in Denmark took place in Copenhagen the 18. august 1989. Every year since then, we have had
a lot of fun arranging the danish FotoMarathon.
All these years of PhotoMarathon has given us a lot of experience in organizing a PhotoMarathon. Over the years, we
have provided support for many Fotomarathons.
25th anniversary
In 2013 we had organized PhotoMarathon in Copenhagen for 25 years. On this occasion we made a FotoMararthon as the
first in 1989 with analog cameras and film. We also had the first PhotoMarathon with smartphones.
The award ceremony took place at the City Hall with a speech by the Mayor of Culture.
The danish FotoMarathon today
Today we organize PhotoMarathon in several cities in Denmark at the same time and with the same topics and we had
our first 6 hours PhotoMarathon in 2014 - it was a great succes.
Non-profit organisation
We are a non-profit organization. This means that no organizers have ever been paid for their great work.